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These six 5-minute exercises will make your personal brand shine

1. Who should hear about you?

Whether you’re a freelancer who wants to attract new clients or you want to develop your skills inside a bigger organization, they need to hear about you.

2. What do you really want?

Don’t be “Jack of all trades, master of none”. The worst brands are like that — mediocre at everything, good at nothing. For everybody and for nobody. Like a cover letter that says “I want to work at any company, doing any job”.

3. Allow Others To Tell You About You

If you ever tried to write a cover letter you know that the first sentences that come to you are empty words. “Passionate team player” or “focused on a goal”, blah, blah, blah… You know who would do a better job? People who already cooperated with you.

4. Do your own SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis sounds like a serious managerial tool, but it comes in very handy when building a personal brand. After you’ve done it, you will have no problem creating a distinguishing message. Plus, if you did exercise 3, it will be easy as pie.

5. Analyze your competitors

You know how you are better than others. Now think: how common are your skills? Which area is the easiest to replace, and which makes you irreplaceable?

If your competition analysis is thorough and you can see things you can do that cannot be easily replaced… you’re in a good position for negotiations. Test these arguments with an employer. Perhaps he will come up with things you haven’t thought of.

6. Elevator Pitch & High-concept Pitch

A member of the Cabinet congratulated Wilson on introducing the vogue of short speeches and asked him about the time it took him to prepare his speeches. He said:

“It depends. If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now.”

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